Well this is my first time deciding to do an actual non-MySpace blog. I was doing a running commentary on my MySpace for about a year and decided lets break that barrier and do this for real.
Mostly I am writing this as a testament to my 30+ years of reading and collecting comic books and having a ton of history in my head of characters and key figures from comics and cartoons. Some will think this is self-indulgent, which it is, what blog isn't. I just want to leave my mark on the web as I will not have any children, but my nieces & nephews will have fun reading what I write.
My whole purpose is to have some fun in writing what I would ask a comic book superhero and what their answer may be or could have been if they could have been asked.
Of course peppered in will also be things that are on my mind or stick in my craw and I need to vent.......sometimes even a nice inebriated rant after a nice fun night at Chevy's with my g-friend from work.......yes I mentioned you!
Anyway....please bear with me in getting my blogging legs. On with the bloggin....
You are crazy Superman,but your comments are true.